Our voice detection technology detect emotional parameters , Kabbalah jewelry such as rings , pendants , earrings and bracelets may contribute to your positive energy and makes you feel better.
Love Mode The Sense technology provide information for few main emotional parameters:
Excitement, Embarrassment, Anticipation and Love .
Beyond this however, SENSE can provide an entire range of emotional indicators as follows:
Excitement Level: Voice Detection SENSE compares the presence of voice sample to the basic profile calculated by the system and determines the excitement level in each vocal segment.
Confusion Level: Voice detection SENSE measures and compares the usually unnoticeable micro-delays in the person's voice to evaluate how certain or confused he/she is.
Stress Level: Human Stress is defined as the body’s reaction to a threat.
Stress is detected by analyzing changes in the low frequency range over time.
To avoid stress in general Kabbalah Hebrew Jewelry may help a lot.
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